Pinterest – July 2016

Pinterest for authors? With most of what we do being in written word, you might think using a social platform that is based on images may not apply to you. It does.

Not only do you have your book cover, but you can post other images that might work for settings within your book, or post other similar, well published books to give readers an idea of what style you write in.

Pinterest is dominated by women, so if you are in the Romance genre, this platform may prove to be one of your best. So get in there and start making pin boards and put up some images to generate curiosity to your book and website.

And speaking of website, you can incorporate the “Pin-it” app that allows your visitors to pin images within your website to their boards. That is how you get marketing done for you.

Visit to set up your account and get started today.

Twitter for Authors

What is a tweat?

We hear a lot about Facebook, but what about the other four recommended platforms. Twitter is one of those, and just like Facebook, you need to understand how to do it correctly.

For instance, Twitter allows a 140 letter character limit, which is something not known to many people. This is just to show you what 140 letter characters look like, which can be a few spaces to compose all your thoughts.

Twitter is also where the # hashtag originated. Using this wonderful character is all you need to help you build an audience and get connected to your audience.

Whenever you make a post, add a few keywords with the # in front of it (no space between), and you will see suggested groups who use the same. Whenever you use one of these hashtag words, your post will be listed whenever someone searches that hashtag. So for instance, #books are great for #reading will get your post listed on those two groups.

On the reverse side, you can search those phrases and find other people who are posting about the same things and then connect with them.

Happy Following!

Jenn FitzGerald

Book Design & Publishing

March 2016

This month I have to rehash old business. Last year I told you how to get a searched link out for marketing to show Amazon that lots of people were searching for your book. As is the norm on the internet though, things are always evolving.

Amazon quickly got wise to this tactic and added a tiny bit of information to each search that now prevents this from being a useful tactic. There is actually a time stamp within the link now.

So! Long and short of it. Back to using the original link they provide you in your KDP account. It look like this Everything past the capital letters in the link is all excess and can be deleted.

If you took my advice and went and got a shortened link from bitly or another service, you can simply go change the link there and all your marketing is still intact with the new updated link.