Veil of Illusion
by Patricia Sheehy 

Veil of Illusion

A story of love, betrayal and forgiveness across lifetimes. Things aren’t always what they seem. And when we go looking for answers, we may find more than we bargained for. Caitlin Saunders is willing to risk everything to learn the truth about her husband’s sudden death and the men who say they love her. But she’s not ready for her new friend, Josie, and all her talk of soul mates. And she’s certainly not ready for the possibility of past lives and what the laws of karma and reincarnation mean to her this time around. [more]

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Field of Destiny by Patricia Sheehy

Field of Destiny

What would you do for love? Every choice comes with a consequence. And every consequence leads us closer to — or farther away from — our desired destiny.

On a sweltering July afternoon, just days after her birth, Natalie Davenport’s destiny is derailed by an impulsive act, thrusting her into a life of secrets, lies and betrayal. As Natalie struggles against her mother’s deceit and demands, she finds herself torn between misguided loyalty and a desperate need for love and acceptance.  [more]

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Smith — Angel of Tears

Angel of Tears
by Irene Smith

In 1947, Summer Sobieski is sent to live with Polish relatives in Detroit. Enrolled in Catholic School, she is ridiculed for her name and her mother’s mental illness. When Alva Watson, an aging albino, moves into a long vacant house next door, she is feared and shunned. Summer sees something in Alva that no one else recognizes. The relationship between the two misfits affects the lives of everyone around them.

Summer’s reunion with her parents is less than desirable. Overwhelmed with family issues, spiritual conflicts, and two female tormentors, Summer unwittingly causes a shocking mishap. The consequences are harrowing; redemption and retribution follows.

Often humorous, this is a tale of innocence and ignorance, failure and faith, and the undeniable power of love. [more]

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