Lynn was born and raised in beautiful Ventura, California where the hills gently slope into the blue Pacific Ocean. From her hilltop, Lynn enjoyed the view while contemplating the mysteries of life.

Now, through her stories Lynn shares what she’s learned – that people can be evil. Others dishonesty and a general lack of caring is what drives her to add words to an otherwise blank sheet of paper.

After earning a Master’s Degree from Troy State University, Lynn worked for the federal government experiencing the strict life of the secret black ops world. Never running from a challenge, she stood her ground and established relationships with those she could trust while avoiding those she feared.

Within the pages of The Agency Series, Lynn shares her memories of the different personalities she worked with within this dangerous world. Indulging in one of these novels whisks a reader to places they could never imagine exists. But they do.

With her help of her friends in the space exploration field, Lynn started the Journey’s Travels series for Young Adults. The novels explore the inner workings of an elite dictatorship and the consequences of trying to control people. It just doesn’t work. People must be free to experience life to its fullest, otherwise they rebel.

The love of Lynn’s life is her grandchildren. 10 Rules About Monsters was written specifically to alleviate their fears of the dark and unknown. Children are our future and without their love and devotion, our hopes will be lost. Because of her deep passion for children, Lynn wrote The Tower, a power story about the consequences of school-aged bullying, which won the Gold Medal for 2017 by the Moonbeam Children Book Award and the New England Book Festival Award for Young Adult Fiction. Whispers deals with a young girl struggling between moral issues and family love is scheduled for release in early 2018.

Her flash fiction, The Shoes, was published by Flash Fiction Magazine in August 2017 and can be found at:

Lynn resides in North Port, Florida with her family. Lynn is an Acquisition Editor for Koehler Books where she helps new authors achieve their dream of seeing their stories in print. Lynn earned her MFA in creative writing from Lindenwood University.

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Lynn’s Books