The Author’s Bakers-Dozen Marketing Points
By Jan Nieman

  1.  Always carry your book with you. Even at the gym, someone will ask, “What do you do?” and as you flash your book, you answer with your one minute elevator speech.
  2. Don’t become so flustered when speaking to a large group that you forget to mention your book’s title and pass out business cards.
  3. If a vendor fee is over $50, it’s probably not worth it – even some under $50 aren’t, but you never know.
  4. Be aware, that at bazaars you’ll be tempted by other vendor’s merchandise. Do not — I repeat — do not stroll around the room. Ten-to-one you’ll spend more than you receive.
  5. Always notice the exit door location and beat your audience to it after your program.
  6. Do not be waylaid by audience members asking for advice on how to market their book. Give them your card, ask them to phone, and again, get to that door!
  7. Outdoor events are:
    • Hard on tootsies. Do not wear flip-flops.
    • Windy. Bungee-cord your poster to the nearest telephone pole.
    • Sunny. Don’t forget the SPF 30.
    • Rainy. Wet books do not sell — Cancel!
  8. Retirement homes can be challenging. Ignore the resident poking her couch mate in the ribs and shouting “Emma, wake up!” Pack throat lozenges to ratchet up your speaking voice when a resident sets off the panic alarm.
  9. Do not ship twelve books without insuring them!
  10. The “Today Show” will not contact you unless you’re famous, notorious, or have a fool-proof method for losing 50 pounds in 4 weeks.
  11. When program directors, event planners, or book-store manages fail to return messages, don’t be discouraged. After a dozen calls, you’ll hear from them simply to get rid of you.
  12. Purchase a new scarf or tie every month to fool people into believing you have an extensive wardrobe and are successful (also hides neck wrinkles).
  13. When your optimism is at a low point, out of the blue, a reader will remark, “You’re a good writer. I really enjoyed your book and it sounds just like you speak,”and you arc left wondering how you “do” speak. Nuts! Consider it a compliment.

***Every day is a new day – learn from your experiences***

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