President’s Letter for November 2022

Four hundred years ago, on November 11, 1620, the Pilgrims suffered through a 66-day journey filled with severe storms and loss of many lives before they landed in America.  Their main issue was finding bare necessities, such as shelter, safety, and food.  Many were severely ill, but at that point, there was no turning back.  They were eternally grateful for their lives and determined that they would live.  There was no government in place to help, like it is today, so they had to do whatever it took, by any means necessary, to survive, and survived they did!

The storm has brought on unforeseen circumstances for most, if not all of us.  As we celebrate Thanksgiving this year, we will certainly be thankful, but it will not likely be celebrated the traditional way for many of us.  However, just like the Pilgrims, together, we will stand strong and make do..  Most of our lives have been turned upside-down and it is difficult, some days, to find things to be thankful about.  One thing we can be thankful for is our beautiful, sunny weather because it could definitely be a lot worse.  Imagine trying to recover from this tragic storm while, at the same time, being forced to deal with and suffer through horrific cold weather with snow like other states?

We regretfully apologize that we have to cancel the November Membership Meeting.  Most of our officers and an untold number of our members and neighbors are simply not physically, mentally, or emotionally ready to meet.  Even our speakers have postponed.

We believe 2023 will be a better year; therefore, we are planning to hold our first meeting of the year on January 21, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. – Noon at Word of Life Church in Fort Myers and also on Zoom.  If you are attending via zoom, please sign up for the program.  Honestly,  we believe you will enjoy the program more if you are physically present.  The opportunity to meet and enjoy the company of other members is extremely uplifting and encouraging during these discouraging times.

Location: Map
Word of Life Church

6111 South Pointe Blvd.
Fort Myers, FL 33919

Note: Google maps or your GPS may direct you to the back of the building.  The entrance to the parking lot is on South Point Blvd. between Quigley Eye Specialists and Buckets Restaurant.

Details for the 2023 Gulf Coast Writers Contest will follow in the December Newsletter.  We are excited to inform you that we are considering joining the Reading Festival again this year; that info will be added to the December newsletter as well.

Have a Miracle story to tell us relating to Ian?  We are hoping to get a collection of stories to share on the GCWA website and possibly on another type of platform, such as presenting the stories at the monthly meetings.  We are in the process of collaborating about the details..  If interested, please send your story to:

May God bless and keep all of you safe and sound.  Have a blessed Thanksgiving Day.

Irene Smith, President
Gulf Coast Writers Association