It’s okay to not eat your peas – by David Kratzke


Told in a conversational style, It’s okay to not eat your peas is a collection of short stories that weave together examples of how the little moments in life leave lasting impressions. Drawing from his own experiences, David Kratzke takes you on an insightful, witty and relatable ride to deliver inspiring and motivational messages. Through his unique view of everyday events, he shares valuable lessons learned from family, teachers, coaches, bosses, colleagues and friends, and reveals how they have shaped his path forward.

These anecdotes will show you how to be more present in your own life and to more clearly see the inspiration that’s all around you. This uplifting book is a must read for graduates entering the real world or for anyone looking for direction and purpose in life.

MaryAnn CipressyAuthor posts

Maryanne is the owner of What’s Up SWFL and is a leader in Internet Marketing with experience, a track record of success, and most importantly of all working with each client on a case-by-case basis because every situation requires custom solutions.