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June News from the President

June 13, 2024
  Dear Gulf Coast Writer, If you were among the 37 who attended the May 18 meeting, you were part of a priceless experience: getting into the heads of writers about their publishing experience. Some were self published, some traditionally, some hybrid. It was fascinating to learn how our members journeyed from manuscript to print. Among the many learnings during that meeting, we heard that none of our authors is getting rich from publication of their works. This is typical. Statistically, a vast majority of authors earn virtually nothing after expenses. But at the end of the meeting, I Continue reading ...

May News from the President

May 8, 2024
Dear fellow member: I joined Gulf Coast Writers during the Covid pandemic, when personal interaction screeched to a sudden halt in March of 2020. It was fascinating to “meet” fellow members virtually on my computer’s screen, to develop relationships with people I had never met in person, an adult version of my childhood experience with pen pals. We shared joys and sorrows, good news and sad news, all without the benefit (or burden) of personal contact. Participating in the GCWA writing contest that first year felt alien. Nobody knew me. I knew nobody. The competitive field was a cipher. Continue reading ...

GCWA April Monthly Meeting Recap

May 8, 2024
Creating “Lyrical” Back Stories The Saturday, April 20th Member Meeting was a break from formal presentations, with an experiential, group writing exercise led by Charley Valera. Members formed groups of six, each group selecting printed lyrics to well-known tunes, including Barry Manilow’s lyrics to “Copacabana,” the Beatles’ “Eleanor Rigby,” “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown” by Jim Croce, and “Piano Man” by Billy Joel. Members were tasked with cooperatively creating a “back story” related to the song in a timed exercise. Stories were read to the larger group at the end. Watch your inbox for an email with the full stories! Continue reading ...
April photo v1

Four stories in 20 minutes: Piano Man

May 5, 2024
Four stories in 20 minutes! At the April meeting of Gulf Coast Writers, everyone was talking at once. Amazingly, the result was not chaos.  Four teams of writers collaborated to create stories based on lyrics from the American songbook of the 1970s. Members were given just 20 minutes to craft a story based on their song assignment. Take a look at the results, below. Teamwork opportunities will continue in future meetings. We are the new Gulf Coast Writers!       “Piano Man” lyrics It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday The regular crowd shuffles in There’s an old man Continue reading ...
April photo v1

Four stories in 20 minutes: “Eleanor Rigby” the story

May 3, 2024
Four stories in 20 minutes! At the April meeting of Gulf Coast Writers, everyone was talking at once. Amazingly, the result was not chaos.  Four teams of writers collaborated to create stories based on lyrics from the American songbook of the 1970s. Members were given just 20 minutes to craft a story based on their song assignment. Take a look at the results, below. Teamwork opportunities will continue in future meetings. We are the new Gulf Coast Writers!       “Eleanor Rigby” song lyrics Ah, look at all the lonely people Ah, look at all the lonely people Continue reading ...
April photo v1

Four stories in 20 minutes: “Copacabana” the story

May 3, 2024
Four stories in 20 minutes! At the April meeting of Gulf Coast Writers, everyone was talking at once. Amazingly, the result was not chaos.  Four teams of writers collaborated to create stories based on lyrics from the American songbook of the 1970s. Members were given just 20 minutes to craft a story based on their song assignment. Take a look at the results, below. Teamwork opportunities will continue in future meetings. We are the new Gulf Coast Writers!       “Copacabana” lyrics Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl With yellow feathers in her hair and a Continue reading ...