Bouquet of Chocolate

Bouquets of Chocolate for the Soul:
A Devotional with Conversation Starters

by Dr. Carol Kennedy

Bouquet of Chocolate

Do you like chocolate? Do you find it sweet, satisfying, and delicious? Do you often crave it?God’s Word can be the same. Once you make it part of your daily life, you will hunger for it.Bouquets of Chocolate for the Soul is the fourth chocolate book, filled with inspirational stories, and poems. Each of the books can be enjoyed on its own. Bible study groups and Women’s small groups are attracted to the books because of the conversation starters after each story or poem. Dr. Carol shows readers how God’s Word sweetens relationships and solves problems. Dr. Carol shares how God led her out of a 30-year career of teaching and administration into a world of Christian writing.The chocolate books have received gold and silver medals from Florida Authors and Publishers Association for outstanding Christian inspirational literature.Groups such as Women of Faith and Cancer Survivors equally praise Dr. Carol’s ability to combine humor with inspiration.

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