The Launchpad is the place where new, emerging women writers can experience having their work published on the Kaleidoscope WoJo™ website. This is a service Kaleidoscope offers to new writers to encourage the practice of submitting their work. Sometimes the hardest step for a new writer is getting beyond the place of self-criticism. Often that comes in the form of never actually sending their work out into the world. The Launchpad wants to be a place where you can grow your confidence by seeing your work published in a place where other writers gather.
For a nominal fee you can expect the following:
- Your essay will be published on our website in the Launchpad section
- We will publish your bio
- If you have other social media accounts, we will link your published story to them
- We will publish a picture of your smiling, serious or brooding face
- If you would like feedback on the piece you send to us, we will provide
We look forward to hearing from you and reading your work. New Writers’ Launchpad — Kaleidoscope Reflections on Women’s Journeys™ (kaleidoscopewojo.com)
Kaleidoscope WoJo Team
Marianne, Deb and Tom