At the November 2019 GCWA meeting, we asked what workshops people would like to attend.  The following are current requests for workshops.

  • How to write a Query Letter
  • How to beat Writer’s Bock
  • MS Word tools, tricks, and formatting
  • Fictional character development — adding dialogue, “show” vs. “tell”
  • Selling your book — marketing and publicity
  • Better Writing
  • Revision. Saying more with less. Rewriting your prose. Did you say that already?
  • Revision and rewriting your poetry. When in doubt leave it out.
  • How to conduct a successful oral presentation. Can you hear me? Yes?
  • Marketing one’s self as well as your new book. A Total Plan.
  • How to use the new technology on your cell phone, tablet and PC. Is this thing on?
  • Creating a good press kit, business cards, book marks, postcards for promotion. Say what?
  • Ways to get unstuck when you have writer’s block. Don’t give up yet.
  • Memoir Writing Workshop. You don’t have to tell your entire life.
  • Prompts for writing poetry. Getting started. Yes, you can write a good poem!”

We will list any workshops scheduled by GCWA here. Also keep checking events, which include workshops from various writers organizations.

Please COMMENT below if you would like to add your suggestions for workshops.

If you are willing to help run a workshop, please include that information in your comment.