Cherie Postill

Speaker: Cherie Postill
Topic : Improve Your Writing and Sell More Books with Beta Readers – What Every
Writer Needs to Know Before Publishing

PowerPoint and Zoom recording available to members. Contact Christie Zarria.

Cherie Postill

In my workshop I show you how to identify, qualify, locate, and utilize an incredible writer’s asset know as Beta Readers. They are often overlooked and frequently misunderstood. You will learn the definition of beta testing, how to identify your beta readers, and why every writer needs them. I introduce a process that results in a comprehensive manuscript critique, including actionable feedback. We discuss the techniques and tools used to beta test your manuscript for optimal results.

The methods outlined in my workshop will give you a competitive advantage and make you a better writer. In today’s crowded market, your manuscript needs to stand out more than ever. Once you have followed my process, not only will you be assured your story is perfect for your target readers, but you will also know precisely who your ideal readers are. You will learn where to find your target readers and how to utilize their talents to help you sell more books and attract a loyal fan base.

You will also get reviews, referrals, and book comps (comparable titles) from your beta readers to use in query letters, on your book cover, and in promotional material.

Cherie Postill is a writer, a marketing professional, and a speaker. She is the author of How to Train a Beta Reader and Sell More Books, a nonfiction guide for writers. Cherie presents workshops to writers across the country, teaching her unique strategy and step by step process. Her debut fiction novel for middle-grade readers, and the first in a planned series, Cory Summers and the Wrath of Naytas, is scheduled for publication in Fall 2021. Her upcoming humor/adventure novel for middle grade readers is targeted for release in early 2022. Ms. Postill is on the board of the St. Louis Writers Guild where she holds the title, VP of contests and works as the liaison for more than 21 school districts. She teaches workshops for writers in grades 4th – 12th, and is an active member of the St. Louis Publishers Assoc. When Cherie is not writing or presenting, she enjoys time with friends and family, reading, camping, hiking, cooking, and mentoring aspiring writers. You can learn more about her writing at  She loves to connect with readers and fellow writers and welcomes your emails at Find out what she is up to at, , and

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