A Corporal’s War: The WWII Adventures of a Royal Engineer
by Pauline Hayton


It’s 1939. Norman, twenty years old, married, and father of a young child, struggles to make ends meet. To improve the family’s finances, he enlists in the army, figuring that when his six months’ National Service ends he will be twenty-one and entitled to earn adult wages, a good plan until foiled by Britain’s declaration of war against Nazi Germany. Norman’s world is turned upside down. His six months of army life stretches to seven years, where he forges friendships that sustain him throughout the war years. [more]

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That’s My Story, And I’m Sticking to It!: Fennimore . . . As I Remember (Volume I)
by Tom Nelson


During the four decades since Tom Nelson left his hometown of Fennimore, Wisconsin he has returned countless times. Now he revisits once again to recount his younger years during the 1940’s and ’50s. These were times when in a small Midwestern town farmer families shopped on Saturday nights while their children went to a double feature movie. The men folks congregated at the local billiard parlor and wives sat in parked cars on main street gossiping with neighbors. [more]

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